RALLY FOR GAZA- 23rd March 10am


The video from the rally is now available. It lasts 36 minutes and features Pete Gregson explaining the petition to twin Edinburgh with Gaza, along with Mohammed Alshorafa outlining life in Gaza at https://youtu.be/MIkY8ad_9qs Look out for the Hamas Heckler a few minutes in (another Friend of Israel).

[The video just on Debkah will be available separately]  

All the videos around the campaign can now be found at www.twingaza.com/why-twin/#Videos

Wed 23rd March 10am- Edinburgh Council City Chambers High St, EH1 1YJ

Please come to a rally at Edinburgh City Chambers on the High Street on Wednesday 23rd March, from 10am to 12 noon. Whilst the Council pitch itself will take place on the internet, this actual, physical, rally will take place at the City Chambers six days beforehand, which is really a media opportunity, as the Council business for the Policy meeting will have been published the day before. We will have a sound system; friends from Gaza- and anyone else who wants to- can help address the crowd. That is what will capture media interest – TV, radio, the newspapers. We hope that people will bring placards and banners to show support. There will be Debkah dancing! Think of it as a party for Gaza. The rally will mark the launch of our 6-day media campaign.

Here is the press release for the rally www.twingaza.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Twin-Gaza-Press-Release-18.03.22.pdf

If you use Facebook, confirm your attendance for the rally at https://www.facebook.com/events/449806610215806/

On 25th Feb 2022, Maxine Peak had this to say about Gaza https://youtu.be/0m1NSqnEsA8  (1min) in her video in support for Medical Aid for Palestine

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